Effective Web Design Company in Velachery

Web design is not simply about adding images and words to a homepage- it’s about implementing clever designs which incorporate strategy, structure, visual impact, usability and conversion elements. In this article, we look at some elements which one needs to look for in effective web design.



Usability is probably the most important element of effective web design, as nobody wants to navigate a web page which isn’t easy to use and does not help the user to find information. When one enters a website, they are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to find information, contact the company or perhaps purchase a product. If the design of your website does not make this process simple, then users are going to look elsewhere.

Establish your website’s goals:

Well-designed websites need to be focused around specific goals. This means that you need to think about what the aim of your website is, and it needs to be easy for users to perform the action which they want to take. For example, think about including a contact form for information pages, and allow resources to be easily downloadable. Users will get information if results don’t happen fast enough.

Visual Hierarchy:

Certain parts of your website are more important than others, so you need to get these parts more attention by means of visual hierarchy. You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective. More important information such as calls to action and business propositions would usually come first, while other less important information won’t be as visually prominent.

Effective writing:

Effective web design is also about incorporating effective writing which is adjusted towards users’ preferences and browsing habits. Rather than using promotional writing which is long and exaggerated, get straight to the point and use images along with your text to illustrate your message. You should also use headers to break up content so that it’s easier to read. Use language on your website which is easy to understand and keeps users hooked. As mentioned before, users don’t want to spend time searching for information on your website. They want the process to be swift and easy.


A good website should have an impact on visitors, meaning that it incorporates clear images, uses colour smartly, and fonts which are easy to read. Always think from the user’s perspective as this will help you decide whether this is a website which you would want to visit and share.

SS Computers is a web design company which strives to deliver user-friendly websites which bring in customers. We incorporate all of the essential web design principles above. Visit our website at  http://sscomputercity.in  for more information.

How to choose a Perfect Password

Creating a good password that’s hard to hack but easy to remember is no simple task, yet it’s vitally important for protecting your personal and financial information. Here are a few ideas for creating secure passwords.

How to choose a Perfect PasswordChoosing a password is easy. Choosing one that is secure, is the challenge.

The problem is that password selection involves two conflicting goals.

Goal 1: Pick a password that’s easy to remember.

Goal 2: Pick a password that’s hard to crack.


If all you had to worry about was Goal 1, your name would be your password and life would be simple. At the same time, if you only wanted something difficult to hack, you could easily come up with a long series of random letters, numbers, and characters that would confound even the most hardened hacker.

You would not, of course, be able to remember that password. You would have to write it down somewhere or carry it with you, making breaking into your computer as easy as looking at that Post-it note affixed to your keyboard that says: “My password is: Ssc4$ll31ap*.”

Basic Rules

SS Computers provides some good basic rules that apply to passwords.

  • Longer is better. Six characters is the minimum. Many sites require 8.
  • Made up or altered words are better than actual words. Avoid calendar dates as part of the numeric portion of password.
  • Personal information that can easily be looked up or verified should be avoided.
  • Don’t use account numbers or other billing information as part of a password.
  • The use of adjacent keys or consecutive numbers are easy for others to notice and should be avoided.
  • Maintain a separate password for each highly sensitive account, such as email, financial institutions, and social media.
  • It’s OK to recycle for sites that don’t store personal info, such as Internet radio stations.
  • Memorize your password. You should never write it down.
  • Mix letters, numbers, and punctuation and, when possible, include both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Don’t overdo it and make the password so complicated it becomes cumbersome. It should be something you can type fairly quickly.

Best Web Host for Your Small Business at Velachery

 Know where to turn for a web host for your business website? There are many things to consider when choosing a web host, but you don’t have to be intimidated. Here’s what you need to know to choose the one that’s right for your business.

website source Contact : www.SSComputercity.inDynamic-Website-Designing-service-in Velachery

What do you know about web hosting? If you’re the normal non-tech-company small business owner, probably not much. And you shouldn’t. Your job is to run your business—not be an expert in how web servers work.

But at some point, the decision will be in front of you. You will decide where your website will live—and it’s a bigger decision than you think.

The Basics

let’s break it down into the simplest terms. You live in some sort of home—an actual house, an apartment, a condo, or maybe one of those new trendy tiny houses. Your life would likely be very difficult without a home. Same with businesses. Can you imagine a grocery store without a physical location? That would be chaos!

Your website works the same way. To work, it has to be housed somewhere. A web host places your site on their web servers. Without a web server, your site wouldn’t make it to the internet. It would go no further than your computer.

Unless you own your own server, (you probably wouldn’t be reading this article if you did) you have to rent space on somebody’s else servers. But how do you know who to use and what you need?

Don’t worry when SS Computers support above all your Needs !