How to Protect your Computer while using Internet ?


It’s not as simple as connect the wire and off you go these day’s. The internet is a weird and wonderful place as long as you can control what you do,  that’s why you need to protect yourself. These can be done in a number of very simple steps. These steps will get you started but you should always try to be smart when your surfing the net!

Anti-Virus ScannerAntivirus_Basic_image

Even you didn’t connect your Desktop, you need an Anti-Virus scanner. Your computer can become infected with “viruses”. These are little files or codes that have been written to ruin your computer! That’s why they must be stopped, Choose a best Antivirus and check and use it.



It is again another line of defense against the number of ways your computer can be attacked. In simple terms it blocks other computers and programs from Firewall_Basic_Demo_imageconnecting to you and playing with your stuff. Think of it as an internet wall of fire, where you allow what can pass through.


Watch what you download and accept to save to your PC, sometimes people can send you files in e-mails. They look but when you run them they will install something onto your PC and leave you upset and distraught.

That’s pretty much it to get you going. If you think something doesn’t look right, it probably isn’t. Hopefully this will get you going to start with, Good Luck and Safe Surfing.

For More Information Contact SS Computers 

How to Build New Computer ?

Do you know what could beat the exciting feeling of having a new computer? Make your own Desktop!

Making your own computer from scratch is not only fun to do but cheaper as well. You can get to choose the parts you want to use on your Desktop. This gives you the control in balancing the price and the quality of your newly assembled Desktop.

Before we show you the steps, here are the necessary parts of the computer that you need to buy:

  • Processor Cooler

    Build New Computer in Chennai
  • Motherboard memory
  • Graphics Card
  • Hard Drive
  • CD or DVD Writer
  • Floppy Drive
  • Sound Card
  • Computer Case
  • Power Supply
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse

These are the things to assemble the Desktop computer

For More information Contact SS Computers Chennai