The maximum distance supported by the CCTV Balun is 2,200 feet in a point-to-point connection. Based on a typical DC loop resistance of 19.2 Ω/100m (58.5 Ω/1000ft), this translates into a DC loop resistance of 128 Ω. To determine whether the link is within specification, short the twisted pair at one end of the link and measure the DC loop resistance with an ohmmeter. The following table provides some data

If additional coaxial cable is connected between the CCTV equipment and the Balun, it is considered part of the total distance specification. Furthermore, there is no maximum cable length for the amount of coaxial cable that may be added, as long as the total distance between the CCTV camera and the CCTV receiver (DVR) is within the
Maximum specified distance on the SS Computers datasheet