What is a Projector?

Projectors basically provides a cinematic and systematic way of understanding and capturing every moment of slides in our mind’s. These are placed at ceilings at a greater distance for better viewing and clarity. The greater the distance the greater is the image quality. The screens of projectors are made up of plastic or fiber glass some are even metals. Fiberglass are For those who are looking for an increase in quality.

Projectors provide a comfortable and a theatric view at home, Office, Commercial Buildings etc… Projectors are efficient for Presentations because the information’s tends to reach a large number of people at the time of casting.

We also Fix Projectors !!!

Hey Guys Lets know a few things about Projectors…

Projector is an Output that can take images generated by a computer or Blu-ray player and reproduce them onto a screen, wall, or other surface. Typically, the surface projected onto is large, flat, and lightly colored. For example, you could use a projector to show a presentation on a large screen so that everyone in the room can see it. Projectors can produce either still (slides) or moving images (videos). A projector is often about the size of a toaster and weighs only a few pounds.


These are the few ways that projectors are used:

  • Project a Powerpoint presentation at a business meeting.
  • Project a computer screen to teach a class in school.
  • Project a TV or computer with a movie playing to a large screen.
  • Demo a product or service at a convention center.
  • Transform a wall, house, or other object to give it a different appearance.

As from the above Lines says… We do Fixing Projectors and for more details Contact SS Computers, Chennai.