How Voice over Internet Protocol works ?

Hello Guys lets see about Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOLP) !!

VOLP is a new way to talk on your phone through your broadband internet connection. A VoIP router is needed to help you use the same phone you have been using before your VoIP connection. If you have voice over internet protocol available to you, you’ll need a router to sort of makvoip_HowItWorks_e it all happen. It’s a small device that will take a little time to get used to, but once you’ve used it just a couple times you’ll be able to use the whole system.


Routers will help control phone traffic, controls and maintains bandwidth, and ensures a good voice quality for each and every phone call. From the invention of digital telephones the need for a separate router won’t be necessary. But, until this newer technology becomes more widespread and cost efficient, the majority of VoIP users will need a router to use the voice over internet protocol features. Because of this newer technology, having VoIP service will become easier and more accessible to everyone in the very near future.

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